Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.
welcome to victoria myers website
Your women’s wellness website free of diet culture and body shaming
my personal story
Years ago, I spent every waking moment of my life obsessing over my body size, what I was going to eat that day, what foods I could and could not eat and how to exercise it all off.
I had been sold the lie, that the way I looked, the way my body is designed and created, was wrong. So for too many years of my life, I tried to change the amazing body I have been gifted in this lifetime.
This led to me down a dark path of yo-yo dieting, restrict and binge eating, and orthorexia. As a consequence of years of putting my body through this, I developed hormonal imbalances and digestive issues. But I wouldn't change a thing. Truly, I wouldn't. Because it led me here.
I eat and live intuitively. I found my happiness in my own skin. I stopped comparing myself to everyone else around me, and well, grew to love me. I healed my health issues. I found a way to embrace wellness without obsession. I found ways to love, nourish, express and empower myself. And now I am here to help you do the same!
Nourishing Minds Nutrition
Victoria Myers website exists to give you a safe space to pursue wellness without having to be bombarded with messages about losing weight, changing your body and dieting. You can expect to find information and education here on intuitive eating, holistic health and wellness, body image, motherhood and more.
This website is a part of Nourishing Minds Nutrition, my virtual private practice and an online education resource that specializes in empowering women to ditch the diets, heal their digestion, regulate their hormones and learn to practice wellness without obsession. Make sure to meet the team to learn more about the team that makes this site possible and the amazing dietitians who serve clients at Nourishing Minds Nutrition.
For more inspiration, education and empowerment tune in to the Nourishing Women Podcast every Friday morning and be sure to join Nourishing Women Community, the free online support group for the podcast.
More about Victoria…
I went to Clemson University (go Tigers!), I'm originally from North Carolina but now live in Greenville, South Carolina. I married my high school sweetheart and we just welcomed to the world our first child, Madelyn, and also have the craziest of animals, a boykin spaniel named Porter and a cat named Ellie.
When I'm not obsessing over how to change the world (its legitimately a thought in my mind at most times, #girlpower), I'm obsessing over decorating our home, vintage shopping, owning as many floral dresses as I can, listening to old school music, sipping coffee, kombucha or an old fashioned (depends on the day and time), and spending as much time as possible out in nature either gardening, walking or riding our boat at the lake.
Parks and Rec is my favorite show ever, and actually "treat yo'self" is how I came up with the idea for the website’s mission to help you nourish, love, express and empower yourself.
Want to hang out more? Be sure to follow along on Instagram for what I’m up to daily. I love connecting with you directly!