Introducing...Nourishing Women Podcast!!!
Today is a day I've been dreaming of for so long. When Meg and I were dreaming of what we wanted for our business, Nourishing Minds Nutrition, we knew a podcast would be one of our first business ventures to embark on.
And here we are. Today. August 11th.
Podcast launch day. EKKK!!!
Our vision for Nourishing Women Podcast was for you to listen and feel educated, inspired and laugh a whole lot. Meg and I are silly, weird and a wee bit quirky- and we wanted our podcast to fully embrace who we are as people. We are also insanely passionate about blending evidenced based research with ancestral wisdom and love to share our personal experiences and clinical experience on all things nutrition, health, wellness and so much more. We are even more passionate about helping you find a way to live a holistic lifestyle without obsession...'Cause #reallife #chocolateandtacosandallthewine.
![Introducing...Nourishing Women Podcast](
We release the podcast with four episodes for you to binge listen introduction to who we are and what the podcast will be about, Meg's story, my story and the four episode is an open, honest conversation about our food philosophies. We titled it Traditional Foods, Untraditional Dietitians. And I think that title nails exactly what you can expect from that episode.
The podcast will be on iTunes soon, as soon as it is I will let you know and you can subscribe! We would love so much if you left a review, told your friends and family and extra love ya if you submitted questions for us to answer on the podcast!
Cannot wait to hear what you think! Listen here :)